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Review of the Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910

Product Description

The Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 offers high security theft protection and 60 minutes fire protection for documents. One of the range’s most prominent features is that the Trident can be customised with the fittings such as shelves and lockable drawers thus allowing the Chubbsafes Trident to meet specific customer needs. This safe is tested and certified by ECBS to European standard EN 1143-1 ensuring Eurograde 4 status and a recommended insurance rating of 60,000 cash or 600,000 valuables.Chubbsafes barriers are applied in the construction of this safe to protect against all kinds of burglary attack.

Furthermore passive and active re-lockers are incorporated into the bolt work to increase the already high level of security. The safe door is secured by two high security double bitted key locks, supplied with two keys per lock and the base of the safe is ready prepared for floor fixing. This model is also available in 6 smaller sizes.

Learn more/buy the Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 here.

Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 Review

Who this safe is designed for

Due to its highly durable nature, the Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 is ideal for both home use and commercial use including banks, offices, warehouses, shops and many more.

The power

The customer reviews describe how the Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 is a super heavy duty safe and can withstand any type of burglary attack, including heat crimping, as the entire safe is encased in steel.

Installation and the interior design


The Chubbsafes Trident is supplied with 3 shelves and hooks for lights and makes your valuables visible. The interior is red in colour. The safe is also supplied with a bulkhead fixings and a fixings pack.

Ease of use

The Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 comes with a combination dial and a digital keypad including a back up manual mechanical lock. The digital keypad and combination dial both have between a 1-99 combination. The digital keypad is an optional extra and can be added to any model within the range.

The warranty

Chubbsafes warranty covers all manufacturing defects. We do not guarantee the contents against theft or fire or any other threat.

Optional extras

Chubbsafes supplies all models with an instruction manual, a digital keypad and two (2) keys for base fixings and lock.

Security and safety

This model includes all of the security and safety features of the Chubbsafes range. The Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 is certified by ECBS meeting the highest grade of security.

The price

The Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 is one of the most expensive safes that Chubbsafes produce.


The Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 offers very high security, is extremely hard to break in to, is the big daddy of the Chubbsafes range and is super heavy duty. Furthermore, Chubbsafes has made an excellent choice to produce this safe as it has been well received by the customer reviews and the company appears to have hit the nail on the head. If you intend on having a super secure safe then this would be the one for you. The 5 star customer rating also speaks volumes!

Learn more/buy the Chubbsafes Trident Grade 4 Size 910 here.

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Written by Radnut Admin

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