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Niner Bikes delivers with the new flat bar RLT 9 Apex

Most long-time bike nerds have that bike. The Frankenstein Monster, built up maybe over a long time or maybe just put together in one frustrated afternoon, to hopefully satisfy that need. The road bike is too aero but the mountain bike is too slow. There has to be a bike that can get to work but take a detour, find the long way home, stop for a beer but not at the pub. Niner Bikes, being a company of bike nerds, had that same thought. In their 2019 lineup, the RLT ‘cross bike has a burly, playful little sister, the RLT  9 Apex. This is, of course, what happens when mountain bikers design dropped bar bikes and may be also why it’s so relatable. Plus, check out this adorable video!

RLT 9 Flat Bar from Niner Bikes on Vimeo.

Other Niner Bikes rides in 2019 are getting modest upgrades like paint jobs and upgraded componentry, so they’re worth checking out at your local bike shop. If you stop in and see something you like, your local wrenches will have your size bike ready for you in less time, thanks to Niner changing their in-house assembly by about 50%, making it easier for bike shops to make the final touches and send you out the door if you purchase a complete bike with the advertised componentry. This won’t add any added cost to the bike shop or to the MSRP of the bikes, but will hopefully help with those lag times that sometimes happen when New Bike Season hits.


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Author: Carolyne Whelan

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