
Helpful Rock Climbing Tips for Beginners

Rock climbing is an adrenaline-pumping activity. But, as with any sport, practice is vital for novices. Jumping into climbs too quickly can result in avoidable accidents. However, training before tackling daunting climbs will help you enhance your skills and knowledge of the subject.

To some, training might sound dull, but as you’ll discover below, learning the ropes only makes climbing better. Check out these helpful rock climbing tips for beginners so that you can hit the rockface and see why this activity is so beloved.

Learn From the Best

Before bouldering in local hot spots, start training at a nearby climbing gym. At the gym, you can find a wide range of climbers, from newcomers to pros. So don’t shy away from reaching out for help. One way of doing this is to talk to folks at the gym, of course.

On the other hand, if you already know someone in the climbing community, ask them for training advice. Whoever you turn to for tips, you can gain invaluable knowledge that will help you move from the training gym to the rockface sooner than later.

Know the Gear

One of the best rock climbing tips for beginners is learning the ins and outs of the gear. After all, rock climbing involves lots of equipment, though not all equipment is necessary for every climb. For instance, not every gym allows the use of chalk. That said, your chalk is essential for climbing outside, keeping your hands dry and ready to grab the next ledge.

Most importantly, newcomers should know the safety equipment basics. Safety equipment for climbing includes helmets, shoes, and harnesses. Your harness goes hand in hand with the climbing rope. Both ensure you can safely ascend, as not everyone can be Tom Cruise from Mission: Impossible II.

Shoes might sound like a strange suggestion, but climbing shoes help you comfortably and reliably use footholds. Track down a solid climbing gear store online and dive into the technical specs of the gear before buying anything. That way, you can learn what each piece brings to the table and how many variations you can use.

Pace Yourself

Of course, pacing yourself can reference starting at the climbing gym before hitting the rockface. That said, in this case, pace refers to the literal speed at which you climb. Ascending the rocks, whether indoors or outdoors, can be exhilarating.

Regardless, you should take time during the climb to catch your breath, chalk your hands, relax your arms, and think about each movement carefully. That way, you can keep your pace steady but smart enough to avoid novice slip-ups.

Instead of focusing too heavily on getting to the top, keep your mind on completing each move successfully, even if it’s at a slower rate than you’d like. The more time you put into focusing on each movement, the better you can hone the subtle skills that make climbs so exciting and attainable.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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