
What You Need To Do To Become a Racecar Driver

Racing is a high-octane extreme sport that’s exciting to watch and even more exciting to participate in. When people put a lot of time and attention into modifying their vehicle, they may want to try racing at an amateur or professional level. Here’s what you need to do to become a racecar driver and get your car in the game for yourself.

Join the SCCA

The Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) is the fastest way to get yourself into the racing circuit, whether at an amateur or professional level. To officially join the SCCA, you will need to fill out a form, pass a sports physical, provide photos and proof of a driver’s license, and pay a small fee.

The Sports Car Club of America has chapter locations all over the country, so finding a local chapter and following the proper steps to get yourself in the system is an ideal step to becoming a driver.

Prepare Your Vehicle

In the racing circuit, you have to drive your own vehicle or rent one. Regardless of your path, it’s a good idea to ensure that your car is ready to race. If you have the opportunity to take your car on the race track, driving a few laps and collecting racing data is a great way to see what your vehicle is capable of and what you can do to improve on it.

Graduating From Novice Status

After joining the SCCA and taking any necessary classes, you’re ready to apply for Novice Status. You must enter and complete three races within two years at the novice rank. Completing those races allows you to officially apply for a competition license from your local Sports Car Club of America branch.

The more races in which you compete, the more you improve and increase your chances of getting sponsorship deals and moving up to a professional level. Starting in the amateur circuit is an important step that you need to take to become a racecar driver.

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