
The Most Innovative Swimming Inventions

The Most Innovative Swimming


Man in the Swimming Pool

There are so many swimming inventions out there, whether their aim is to teach you how to swim or to turn swimming into a fun game – The opportunities are endless. We decided to speak to some people that know the industry inside out. We have compiled their suggestions of the best swimming inventions into this article.

Waterproof MP3 Player

Walkerfit 100% Waterproof Stream MP3 Music Player with FM Radio and Underwater Headphones for Swimming Laps, Watersports, Short Cord, 8GB

A waterproof MP3 player that doesn’t have to go inside of your ears (Very annoying and difficult to use for extended periods of time!) The set up is simple, and it makes any long swim workout more enjoyable.

Contributor: Paul Bisono

Organisation: H2O Aquatics


Progressive Swim Jackets

Image result for tyr progressive swim jacket

A life jacket that grows with your swimming ability, as you get stronger in the water you can actually remove some of the floatation devices inside of the jacket . This helps children feel safe but gradually improves their swimming ability.

Contributor: Paul Bisono

Organisation: H2O Aquatics


Speedo Push Pull Plate

Image result for speedo push plate

This tool isn’t so much a “Swim Gadget” as much as it’s an “Aquatic Workout Gadget”. If you are a fan of Kettle bells, exhausting workouts, and resistance based movements; the Speedo Push Pull Plate is a perfect fit for you!

Contributor: Paul Bisono

Organisation: H2O Aquatics


Aqua Diver Pool Toy

Aqua Diver Pool Toy

This is a fun, innovative swimming invention – It works so much better for encouraging kids to improve their swimming.

Contributor: Joel Poznanksy

Organisation: Wicked Uncle


Float’n Thang

This is a new innovating float made of solid closed cell foam. It’s durable, and guaranteed not to chip, peel, fade or ever lose buoyancy. It won’t deflate even if punctured, dries in minutes, and can support up to 300lbs, all while weighing just under 3 lbs. The Float’n Thang is U shaped to support you under your arms, or in a saddle position and can be elongated to enable you to float on your back. These different floating positions allow you to get the exercise of swimming with an added safety factor. Extending its arms will enable you to float on your back to let you do a reverse butterfly stroke or peddle around with your arms and legs in any of the other positions.

Contributor: Pete Cabrera

Organisation: Float’n Thang



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Written by Chloe Molineux

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