
How To Tell the Difference Between ATVs and UTVs?

When you want to conquer the great outdoors, it’s normal to want to hop on a vehicle and start driving. With so much of this great country only explorable by getting off the main roads, it’s no surprise that recreational off-road vehicles are such a popular hobby. However, before you decide which one is right for you, it’s beneficial to learn how to tell the difference between an ATV and a UTV to help narrow down which one best fits your needs and ideals.

What Is an ATV?

ATVs, or All-Terrain Vehicles, are four-wheeled options intended for a single driver. ATVs are generally smaller than UTVs and are better when it comes to control. Because ATVs utilize a handlebar similar to a bicycle for their maneuverability, drivers require stronger upper body strength to turn with the vehicle when making tight turns.

What Is a UTV?

Utility terrain vehicles, sometimes also referred to as side-by-sides, are much closer to a traditional vehicle than the ATV. UTVs grant access to multiple passengers alongside the driver and come with a steering wheel and gas pedal. Side-by-sides have functions like a clutch and more comprehensive customization options over the ATV. With built-in storage and opportunities for passengers, the UTV is a better option for those looking to go on fishing trips or wilderness expeditions with friends or family.

Which Is Better?

When looking at the differences between ATVs and UTVs, it’s essential to remember that they excel in different fields. Many enjoy the customization and roomier options of the side-by-side, while others enjoy the tight control and easier access to narrower terrain from an ATV. So, when asking which one is better, the answer all depends on how you want to use it.

Both vehicle options are great for getting off the beaten path and exploring the rich bounties of nature, so consider the one that best suits your personal needs.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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