
How To Care for Your Off-Road Vehicle

The fun of off-roading is pushing your vehicle to its limits and seeing how much you can conquer before your car simply can’t go any further. Then you take it back home and figure out how you can improve it further. However, pushing your car’s limits takes a real toll as wear and tear degrades components and hinders performance. Let us show you how to care for your off-road vehicle to keep it running for as long as possible and performing its best.

Keeping It Clean

As satisfying as seeing your car caked in dust and dirt at the end of a long, hard day may be, it’s crucial that you clean up at the end of the day. However, we must stress we don’t just mean that you hose down your car and call it a day—we mean you need to really get in there and clean your vehicle with the right tools and car soaps. Dirt and grime left to build-up on your undercarriage and exterior pose the threat of rusting or obstructing the functions of your car. A clean vehicle will also help you spot worn-out or damaged components so that you can replace them before they become a real issue.

Know Your Limits

A key part of knowing how to care for your off-road vehicle is knowing the limits of your car. While part of off-roading is pushing the limits of your vehicle, you don’t want to go too far and destroy your car. For example, trying to tackle tall terrain is foolhardy when you have a low-riding base. Knowing what your car is capable of is vital for preparing your vehicle for different types of terrain and ensuring you don’t accidentally reduce the lifespan of your car.

Tires and Brakes

Your tires and brakes will be two aspects of your car that endure the most stress. Always inspect your tires after a long day to ensure there’s no damage or substantial wear that might put you in trouble the next time you head out. As for your brakes, not only do you need to make sure they’re cleared of muck, but you should ensure the pads haven’t worn down too much or that the calipers have been damaged.

The Gearbox

While off-roading, there’s always a chance an automatic gearbox will overheat. If your gearbox overheats too often, the fluid within will break down and fail. This is less of an issue for manual gearboxes, but you should still regularly change the fluid inside and consider changing the filter if you have an automatic gearbox. If you see large pieces or an excessive amount of metal shavings, that’s a sign of impending failure.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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