Gatorade Endurance Gummi Bears
This product was recommended by Lynda Fairly from Numlooker

It is the best energy gel for dancers due to its low-calorie count and high-quality ingredients like fruit puree, and electrolytes, providing the necessary fuel to keep up the high energy levels required for dance performances, giving a quick boost of energy and sustaining performance during their long or intensive workouts. Also, dances don’t have to compromise on taste or nutrition with Gatorade . Such energy gels are a healthy alternative to other caffeinated beverages. It also has a low glycemic index, which means that it won’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels when consumed during workouts. It comes in four flavors: Lemon Lime, Grape, Raspberry Citrus, and Blueberry Pomegranate. They are the perfect snack for the dancer who needs a quick pick me up during a long rehearsal or performance.
GU Energy Original Nutrition Gels
This product was recommended by Harriet Chan from CocoFinder

Flavored energy gel energizes the body and helps the sportsperson and dancers to give out their best despite long hours of training. It pushes with great strength. The content is purely vegan and gluten-free. A reliable gel is available in a portable packet that shoots the energy levels in no time. Best used during any sports event and concerts where you have to perform for many hours with the same energy levels.
Science In Sport (Sis) Beta Fuel
This product was recommended by Sophie Green from Loops World

You will find that the SIS range of isotonic energy gels come in a great range of flavours, especially the orange. The packaging is really small so you can just pop them into your dance bag, grab one when you feel you need a burst of energy. You will find that they are quick to open and quickly consumed between classes. Whilst natural sources and a proper diet would always be preferred sometimes you just need a boost of carbs to get you through the day. I much prefer the SIS range over other brands as I didn’t like the taste of them and the wrappers were difficult to open. There is great science in what Science in Sport produce and gels have never let me down during a busy day of dancing.