
Enjoying These Songs While Riding Your Bike In The Mountains

While listening to music will no doubt mask some outside noises, an Australian study found that a cyclist wearing ear-bud style headphones and playing music at a reasonable volume hears much more outside noise than a car driver — even when that driver has no music playing.

What Is A Mountain Biking Songs?

Whether for a leisurely ride with friends or a competitive race, selecting a tune will help pass the time. Although you’re more focused on the terrain you’re riding, certain songs just make cycling fun. A study conducted by J.P. Feltz and S. Varrin at Virginia Tech found that people ride faster when listening to music with a tempo in the range of 120 to 140 beats per minute, and the faster you ride, the more energy you expend. Whether you’re riding solo or with a group, this is great news. Looking for an upbeat cycling song to get you through your next ride? Subscribe to our Audio File newsletter here.

How Do I Select A Mountain Biking Songs?

Beyond the tempo range, how do you decide what type of songs you want to play while cycling? Clearly, you want to keep the song short to make it easier for you to focus on your ride, but you also want to choose a song that is very upbeat and fast-paced, or play a compilation made by others. Give great workout music a try and see if your speed increases!

Is it safe to ride a bike while listening to music?

Yes, a study from the University of Vienna found that riding a bike while listening to music is safe as long as you take precautions. Such precautions include wearing a helmet, obeying traffic laws, avoiding busy intersections and using mirrors and hand signals to communicate. Additionally, some experts believe athletes should avoid listening to music when training to increase their athletic performance, allowing the ability to listen to their bodies for instruction instead.

In the experiment, researchers tested the listening capacity of eight participants between the ages of 21 and 32 while they cycled. First, the cyclists heard a cacophony of sounds from an urban environment and performed a series of tasks, such as stopping at red lights and stopping if they heard a car approaching from behind. The cyclists were assessed on a number of skills and abilities while listening to the noise.

Then, they were assessed while listening to music. The researchers found that listening to music did impair cyclists’ ability to recognize auditory signals, but without a parallel visual cue, riders were able to perform the skills just fine.

The study found that cyclists could not recognize auditory signals while listening to music unless a visual cue was present. In the experiment, cyclists were asked to look at a traffic light with green, yellow or red lights. When the light went from one color to another, cyclists heard a sound and had to respond based on a color.

Can You Listen to Music While Cycling?

Listening to music while you cycle is legal, however, it may not be very safe to do so.

Listening to music may distract you from what is going on around you and may prevent you from being able to hear the approach of other vehicles.

As well if you have some teenagers on bicycles around you and they are listening to loud music you’ll find yourself raising your voice so that you can be heard.

So is it safe?

Ontario Provincial Police actually have a law regarding this. It’s the Highway Traffic Act section 66 that reads “Every person who is operating a vehicle on a highway shall, while so operating the vehicle, have due regard for safety of persons, property and wildlife and shall drive the vehicle in a careful and prudent manner and at a rate of speed so as not to endanger the life, limb or property of any person.”

Even listening to loud music seems to be included in the act. The law centres on the concept of “due regard” while operating the vehicle. If you pay no attention to the road while listening to music you may find yourself with a ticket in the mail.

However, it is important to note that this law may not be universally applied. Though there have been a few cases of people receiving tickets in the mail for this, it may be possible that some judges would choose to interpret this law more loosely.

Are Ear Bud Headphones Safe to Use?

Yes, ear bud headphones, even without music, are a good idea while cycling. They will help to keep rain, sweat, snow, dust and wind out of your ears, and the canal seal will help to keep the sound in your ear so you can monitor traffic around you better.

Is it Safe to Wear Headphones While Cycling?

Yes, it is safe either way as long as you are careful and don’t ride into traffic or gawk at the scenery around you.

Wearing headphones while cycling will give you the freedom to listen to your own tunes and songs while cycling without having to be distracted by the environment around you.

Motörhead – Ace Of Spades

This product was recommended by Andrew Nelson from Pump Advisor

Is there a more perfect tribute to Lemmy Kilmister than this? A massive huck to flat heralds the beginning of two and a half minutes of rowdy flat out action as George Brannigan leaves Queenstown broken and battered in his wake. If this doesn’t get you pumped to ride, nothing will.

AC/DC – Highway to Hell

This product was recommended by Dan Tognotti from Bracelayer Apparel Ltd.

I grew up in British Columbia, Canada and this was one of my favorite songs to mountain bike to when I was a teenager. It is a song with great energy, flow, and speed; just like a good mountain bike session!

A Door Into Summer – Joe Satriani

This product was recommended by Michael Haas from Angry BBA

Joe is an instrumentalist Electric Guitar Player. He is one of the best and I have been blessed to see him play live. I play guitar as well and can attest that he is one of the best in the world. He is extremely melodic and has so many songs that pump you up for a hard bike ride.

Remember me – Journey

This product was recommended by Michael Haas from Angry BBA

Journey has been around for decades and with several different frontmen leading the challenging vocal requirements. Remember Me was written and recorded for the movie with new frontman Steve Augeri. This song always gets my blood flowing and the guitar lines by Neal Schon really drives the song forward.

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Written by Radnut Admin

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