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Best Beers for Mountain Biking

Off the back of a somewhat amusing trend of bike and beer content appearing (and a completely unscientific survey of the reddit /r/MTB community) we decided to put together a curated list of beers summarising the outcome.

If you want a beer to be included then post on the thread and we’ll get to it shortly, in addition, if the beer here isn’t poorly rated enough – you could always try and brew your own.

The list will be updated periodically.

Mountain Biking Beers | The List

Roughly in order from most popular to least popular:

Dales Pale Ale

Dales Pale Ale - 12 x 355ml Cans - Oskar Blues Brewery

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Ride or Die Beer and Bottle Opener

Bentspoke Crankshaft IPA

Hamms Pale Lager


Fat Tyre Beer

Image result for Fat Tyre Beer

Downhill Double IPA

Hanging Hills Metacomet IPA

Image result for Hanging Hills Metacomet IPA

Woods Session IPA

Root Beer

Thomas Kemper Root Beer

John Smiths Extra Smooth (UK)

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links from which Radnut may collect a share of sales revenue.

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Written by Johnathan Hanson

Enduro and DH Mountain bike enthusiast.

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