Aaron Gwin DH Bike Check l UCI MTB World Cup 2019


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XL or L? The talk of the 2019 mountain bike season, as Aaron Gwin moves to a new team and a new bike. Here’s what he had to say on the matter.

Since then, the Intense Factory Racing Team have seen their fair share of misfortune as Aaron’s bike was regretably stolen from Edinburgh ahead of the Fort William DH World Cup. But now he’s back in business and looking fast!

The new Intense Factory Team is made up of US riders Aaron Gwin, Neko Mulally, and Australian Jack Moir. They will be racing the Intense M29 FRO this year.

Who do you think will conquer the UCI Downhill MTB Season? Place your bets with the Red Bull Medal Predictor now –

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Author: Red Bull Bike

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