
Types of Cycling Sports That You Should Try

To some individuals, the act of riding a bike is as instinctual as walking around on two feet. But isn’t there more to biking than mere rides around the neighborhood? After learning to pedal, turn, and brake properly, endless opportunities are available to take your skills to the next level. Cycling-related sports offer riders of all forms of diverse thrills and challenges.

Are you curious about the types of cycling sports that you should try for yourself? We’ve compiled a list of different bicycling disciplines you can give a shot with the right bike, gear, and training. Whether you plan to compete or adventure for fun, you should read on to discover some adrenaline-pumping cycling sports.


Are you into all things fun and not for the faint-hearted? Cyclocross is one of the off-road types of cycling sports that you should try. You’ll need the right power and technical skills to take it up. Yet, you can find your way to success with a training routine.

Cyclocross includes segments of running, a balance challenge, and a whole-body workout. At the same time, you’ll encounter varying obstacles in diverse terrains. If you don’t mind the messiness, then you’ll feel invigorated while doing these races.

Electric Mountain Biking

Cycling sports involve techniques that traditional road riders may not know. Mountain riding is all about conquering the climb and drifting swiftly through the descent of off-road trails. People with general bike confidence can enjoy endless miles on rougher terrain with the right pace, energy, and endurance management.

Are you looking to enhance uphill and downhill rides further? Hop on an electric mountain bike to up your agility, range, speed, and performance on local trails. Making a run at e-MTB cycling could refine your riding skills and boost your fitness levels to the limits. You can also choose from various bike styles to suit your needs. For instance, you can decide between step-through and step-over e-bike frames.

Bicycle Motocross

Those who would rather tackle purpose-built off-road courses may enjoy BMX. BMX bikes are light, speedy, and agile. Their designs enable riders to maneuver on tight and twisty tracks with ease. There’s a serious and a laidback side to bicycle motocross in that anyone can give this adrenaline-rush cycling a try or commit to it year-round.

Tandem Riding

Modern bicycles come in all shapes, sizes, and configurations. Besides conventional single riding, tandem riding is another cycling sport that you and a partner, friend, or family member might enjoy. Traditionally associated with recreation or touristy destinations, tandems are actually popular in road and off-road race scenes. Tandem racing is a teamwork sport that requires a balance of fitness abilities, synchronization, and cadence.

Regardless of the extremity of their chosen disciplines, cyclists of all kinds can discover new dimensions of the sport they excel in and enjoy the most. Give one of the above sports a try if you’re up for a new two-wheeled adventure or challenge.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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