
New Hobbies To Try for People Who Love Fishing

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Fishing is more than just a hobby for many—it’s a way of life. However, even the most passionate anglers can find themselves searching for new challenges. Don’t worry. We found a few hobbies that offer thrills similar to the joys of fishing. Read on to discover some new hobbies to try for people who love fishing.


If you think fishing is fun with a rod and a reel, just wait until you try noodling. This hobby takes those fancy tools out of the equation and challenges you to catch a fish with only the necessities: your bare hands. That’s right—noodling requires you to snatch fish from the water with your hands!

Usually, anglers perform and practice this activity specifically with catfish—you place your hand in a catfish hole and catch it as it tries to leave it. If this hobby interests you, make sure to follow your local noodling guidelines.

Fly Tying

Fly tying takes us to the other end of the spectrum. Instead of using your hands to catch fish directly, you’ll use your hands to create the flies that you use as bait. Doing so allows you to add a new hobby to your repertoire that specifically helps when you go fishing!

Fly tying requires a lot of patience and good attention to detail, but it’s a fantastic and creative way to make your next fishing experience even more fun.

Flounder Gigging

If you love having flounder for dinner, you should give gigging a try. This hobby involves fishing with a gig—a long spear-tipped pole—to catch flounder. Flounder gigging is a tricky hobby that requires an instructor with some know-how, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll never want to stop.

Now that you know these new hobbies to try for people who love fishing, consider attempting some of these to spice up your all-time favorite pastime! Who knows, you may find something that you enjoy even more.

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Written by Radnut Admin

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