Kenneth Tencio’s Tropical BMX Adventure | De Costa a Costa

When it comes to Costa Rica, it is widely perceived as a tropical paradise with breathtaking nature, gorgeous beaches and world-class surf. If you ask Kenneth Tencio about it, he will confirm everything written above and add ”BMX destination” to it. A few months ago the Costa Rican local decided to go on a road trip from the Caribbean to the Pacific coast, finding as many cool spots on the way as he can along the way.

► Make sure you check Kenneth’s Backyard:
► Follow Kenneth on Instagram:

Cuando se habla de Costa Rica, percibimos un paraíso tropical con una naturaleza impresionante, hermosas playas y surf de clase mundial. Si le preguntas a Kenneth Tencio, él lo confirmará y además, agregará que es un destino de BMX. Hace unos meses, el ‘tico’ decidió emprender un viaje desde el Mar Caribe hasta la costa del Océano Pacífico, encontrando los spots más épicos en el camino.

►Asegúrese de ver “Backyards” de Kenneth Tencio:
► Sigue a Kenneth en Instagram:
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Radnut Group is an extreme sport collective founded in mountain biking that has since expanded to a broad range of disciplines, ranging from cliff diving to motorsports to freediving. We review products and give technical breakdowns, provide destination advice and promote the coolest new content in extreme sport.

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