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Experts Tell Us the Best Energy Gels For Rugby

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This article showcases our top picks for the Best Energy Gels For Rugby. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Honey Stinger Organic Energy Gel

This product was recommended by Andy from Cloom

CONVENIENT: Honey Stinger has created packaging that makes these gels ideal for those constantly on the go, before or during workouts, bikers, hikers, marathon competitors, or anyone looking for a healthy energy boost FUEL FOR EVERY ACTIVITY: Honey has low glycemic properties that are scientifically proven to increase athletic performance by providing a sustained energy boost allowing blood sugar levels to remain constant during activity without a high insulin spike USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC and GLUTEN FREE: The organic energy gels are made from organic honey and organic tapioca syrup. They are USDA Certified Organic and Gluten Free. SOY FREE AND NUT FREE: Our honey-based gels are all soy free and nut free 100 CALORIES: Each packet of Energy Gel has 100 calories

GU Energy Original Sports Nutrition Energy Gel

This product was recommended by Will Henry from Bike Smarts

GU Energy Original Sports Nutrition Energy Gel, 24-Count, Assorted Flavors is the best energy gel for Rugby because it has been specifically designed to be a sports nutrition supplement to assist with endurance and stamina during strenuous exercises. This product provides a concentrated source of carbohydrates and protein in a drinkable form that will give you an instant boost of energy.

GU Energy Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Gel

This product was recommended by Andy from Cloom

The Ultra-Endurance Energy Gel – 100 calories and essential electrolytes in a portable packet 1425mg of amino acids help decrease muscle damage and mental fatigue Dual-source energy from maltodextrin and fructose that use non-competing pathways for efficient absorption and lasting energy Use for high-intensity racing or training – take one packet 5 minutes before and every 45 minutes during activity Variety Pack includes 4 packets each of Vanilla Orange, Cherry Lime, Lemonade and 6 packets each of Blueberry / Pomegranate, Strawberry Kiwi; Caffeine varies by flavor

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Written by Jonathan

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